CELA's Practice Management Committee Needs You!
By CELA’s Practice Management/Technology Committee

CELA’s Practice Management/Technology Committee is currently looking for volunteers to join the committee. Practitioners from Northern CA are especially encouraged to join, as well as Southern CA and BIPOC members.

Most CELA members are solos and/or manage small firms. The committee plans programs that are geared towards your practice and focuses on how to make the day-to-day operations of your firm a little simpler. The committee organizes roundtable discussions, webinars/seminars, and Suite Talks covering topics such as: opening and managing a small law practice, marketing, obtaining business licenses, managing case flow, law firm software, hardware and information technology, properly retaining clients and declining representation, and hiring and retaining employees. If you are interested in joining the committee, please complete this form: https://memcentral.wufoo.com/forms/z8objhh1w2tp0v/ or send an email to info@cela.org.

The committee is co-chaired by Lindsey Wagner (there is a vacant co-chair position) and meets the first Thursday of every month at 4:00pm.