CELA’s Sexual Harassment Strike Force at CELA Lobby Day.

CELA Lobby Day visit with Senate Judiciary Committee Chair, Hannah-Beth Jackson.

Andrea Rosa testifying with her client in support of AB 749, which would ban “no rehire” clauses in settlement agreements.

Noah Lebowitz testifying in the Senate Judiciary Committee on SB 707, which would provide procedural remedies when companies delay paying arbitration fees.

Katherine Fiester testifying with her client in support of AB 673, which would allow workers to recover penalties when they are not paid on time.

CELA Lobby Day visit with
Assembly Judiciary Committee Chair, Mark Stone

CELA Lobby Day visit with Assembly Labor Committee Chair, Ash Kalra.

CELA Lobby Day visit with former CRLA attorney, Senator Monning.

Stronger California Lobby Day visit with Senate Majority Leader, Bob Hertzberg.

CELA Board Chair, Wendy Musell, with civil rights icon, Dolores Huerta, at CELA Lobby Day.

CELA Policy Fellow, Ken Wang, watching the Assembly vote on AB 749.