Craig T. Byrnes
Welcome to the new CELA Bulletin!
For years, Joan Herrington has spearheaded the Bulletin with the support of CELA staff. My co-editor, Tracy Fehr and I, are proud that Joan has passed the baton to us, and we intend to make the most of it.
The CELA Bulletin will still be what it’s always been: a reliable source for the judiciary and anyone involved with the court system to learn about recent developments in employment law. It will also have some differences from what you’ve seen before. Tracy and I will provide our own analyses and commentary on the importance of each case.
We’ll select the most important cases, without trying to be inclusive of every case that could pertain to employment law. On the other hand, we may include cases that have some relevance not so obvious at first glance. For example, cases addressing civil procedure, insurance, and evidence may find their way into the CELA Bulletin if your editors think they have sufficient impact.
You’ll continue to see articles addressing practice issues, written by CELA practitioners and editorially vetted. Our Legislative Counsel & Policy Director, Mariko Yoshihara, will keep updating you on legislative developments in our practice area. CELA’s new President, Wendy Musell, will provide her insights in her own articles as well. We are grateful to our outgoing President, Jean Hyams, for working with us on this Bulletin and helping with the transition.
Tracy and I are also thankful that we will continue to receive the support of CELA Administrative Director Christina Krasomil, and CELA’s Administrative Assistant Alexandra Menna. Without them, this Bulletin would not exist, and you would not receive the high quality of information that it contains.
The CELA Bulletin will remain your most valuable source of information for recent developments in employment law. If you keep them available, you’ll find that you’ll collect a tremendous library of knowledge and practical information.
Thank you for subscribing to the CELA Bulletin. We’ll make it worth your while.