Thank you to all of the CELA members who joined us on Lobby Day this year!

(L-R) Emilio Huerta, Supreeta Sampath, Toni Jaramilla, Asm. Ash Kalra, Mariko Yoshihara, Pinky Ghuman, Christian Schreiber
We met with over 70 legislative offices to lobby on important workers’ rights bills and, most importantly, relay compelling worker stories from out in the trenches. Our members’ skills of persuasion helped garner wide support for our legislative agenda and win new, additional co-authors for our bills! An incredibly brave client of CELAmate Toni Jaramilla even testified before the Assembly Labor and Employment Committee in support of AB 9, a CELA-sponsored bill that would extend the FEHA filing deadline from one to three years. Ms. Gabriela Sanders, an electrician from Pomona who was sexually harassed at work, but did not come forward until over a year had passed out of fear of losing her job, explained how the short filing deadline leaves so many women like her without any justice or recourse.
After a relentlessly busy day pushing for important legislation to address the many injustices our clients face, we capped it off with a cocktail hour. We were so thrilled to welcome workers’ rights legend Dolores Huerta. She was gracious with selfies and advice to our own workers’ rights legends in the making.

(L-R) Corey Bennett, Dolores Huerta, Joshua Boxer at CELA Lobby Day Reception
To check out our social media campaign from the day, search for #CELALobbyDay on Twitter.
We hope you’ll join us for Lobby Day 2020!

The CELA Lobby Day Legion – 2019

Throwback to CELA Lobby Day, in the Senate Chambers – 2009