Elizabeth Riles
Happy New Year to you all! I wanted to take this opportunity to once again say how honored I am to have been chosen to serve as the Chair of the Board of CELA for the next two years. CELA is an amazing organization. Every year we have our Annual Conference, the CELA Trial College, the Advanced Wage & Hour Seminar, two Diversity Leadership Summits, CELA Lobby Day, and a whole host of other programs. 2019 was no exception.
CELA, with the hard work of Mariko Yoshihara, our Legislative Counsel and Policy Director, took 8 sponsored and priority bills to Governor Newsom’s desk, and he signed 6 of them. These bills will make a huge impact in the lives of the workers that we all represent. These bills combat forced arbitration, codify the Dynamex decision, expand the statute of limitations for FEHA claims, provide penalties for late paychecks, eliminate no-rehire clauses, and provide real remedies to keep employers from delaying arbitration by not paying.
2020 is a year for clear vision. I envision CELA moving forward with its robust programming and continuing to expand its legislative influence. We are already moving toward that goal with an ambitious legislative agenda this year.
CELA is only able to be the great organization that it is because of the active participation of its members. All of the programs and legislative work happen because of amazing staff, but also because of the active participation of our membership. 2020 is a year to get involved and make a difference in many ways. I want to encourage every member to get involved in CELA this year. Join one of the many committees: Amicus Committee, Arbitration Task Force, Barristers Committee, CELA Voice, Diversity Outreach Committee, Education Committee, Immigrant Employee Rights Committee, Legislative Committee, Listserv Monitoring Committee, Mentor Committee, Practice Management /Technology Committee, Public Employee Committee, Racism and Sexism in the Judiciary Committee, Wage and Hour Committee, Women’s Committee, and Worker Outreach Committee. These committees are working to make the organization better for all of our membership, helping to shape and plan the great programming that we do for our members and the public, and working to improve the law and the courts for our clients. Participate in Lobby Day. Join your fellow CELA members to advocate for bills that are going to make workplaces safer and healthier for your clients. Write an article for the Bulletin. Or, just share a victory or even a loss with us. The active participation of the membership is what makes CELA the thriving organization it is. I look forward to working for all of you and hearing from you this year!